I reorganized our bookcases by color and I really like the results. I've seen this alot on Apartment Therapy so I thought I would try it. What do you think?
Heehee. It's my signed copy of Jonathan Adler's book that Dan, Andrea and Jacob gave me for my birthday.
This is the card that came with it. I think Jacob thinks I'm a sot. Andrea asked Jacob (who is 3.5 by the way) "What does Jamie dream about?" and his answers were watermelon, coloring, and a glass of wine. I think he's psychic.
I took this just this morning...it was a good morning.

I took this on Thursday. I had several meetings but came home in the early afternoon for a few hours before heading back out for another meeting. The water was different shades of turquoise and I had to take some photos!

Like I've mentioned, we've been doing some decorating and "re-decorating". We finally figured out what to put at the top of the tv. From left to right: Olivia Newton John, Elvis (but of course), The Best of Blondie, Bad Company and John Denver. Yes, I know a few are slightly crooked but if I start trying to perfect them, I will be there all day.
I took this on Thursday. I had several meetings but came home in the early afternoon for a few hours before heading back out for another meeting. The water was different shades of turquoise and I had to take some photos!
Like I've mentioned, we've been doing some decorating and "re-decorating". We finally figured out what to put at the top of the tv. From left to right: Olivia Newton John, Elvis (but of course), The Best of Blondie, Bad Company and John Denver. Yes, I know a few are slightly crooked but if I start trying to perfect them, I will be there all day.