So yah for a New Year! I love it when new things happen because it gives you a chance to regroup and see where you are in life and then make a path of where you want to be. Constantly growing.
A picture montage will be forthcoming from all the Holiday Madness but right now I want to focus on things I want to accomplish in the first year of this decade.
1. Start MBA. I have lots of good/bad thoughts about this which could be an entirely new post so I will spare you and just say I'm being optimistic by putting it as #1.
2. Travel overseas. I don't care where. I just want to go. Possibly in June when Mr. Fitness is out of school.
3. Make this, which could possibly take the entire year. I also want to make a needlepoint pillow of some cool, inspiring person like Vin Diesel or Megan Fox (ha, not really) but I haven't found a pattern yet.

4. Save more money. I realize #2 and #4 don't really go together but again the optimism.
Runner-Ups (haven't convinced myself of these yet):
5. Maybe buy some rollerblades and start rolling again. One year for Christmas my brother and I received rollerblades and we lived on a lot of land and we had this ginormous horse barn *with no stinky horses* that was nicely paved straight down the middle. We taught ourselves how to skate and I would most adventurously jump over the cracks in the pavement.
6. Maybe learn to cook some fancy stuff or maybe just regular stuff that doesn't come in a box.
So inquiring minds want to know - what does your to-do list consist of for twenty ten? Just a hint for my bestie Emily: your #1 To do should be to blog at least weekly :o).