Sunday, September 26, 2010

Momma's Project

Hola from South Florida! Yo! A1A BEACHFRONT AVENUE!

As you know, I'm constantly crafting.  Well not really constantly.  Maybe constantly THINKING about it but not constantly doing it.  I've had my thoughts on a project I found in a shelter magazine called Cloth Paper Scissors.  This particular issue (from Sept/Oct 2007!) had the absolutely perfect quilting project for me.  I love the idea of quilting and have even started a few of my own but making a quilt is HARD WORK.  LONG HOURS.  DID I MENTION HARD WORK?  If you have a thousand dollars worth of machinery, maybe not so hard but I don't have this.  So in this issue finding an article called 'True Confessions of a Rebellious Quilter' was right up my alley.  Basically, the author loves the idea of quilting too and was taught by her great aunt when she was 12.  But she never finished.  So she decided to come up with a way to make it easier.  Her project involved taking an old photo and transferring it to fabric.  So, I've had several ideas in mind to make a quilt with either one or both of my grandmothers on for Chad and I...for my family...but I would still run into other issues when dreaming up the quilt.

I mention all this to say that I was thinking about this quilt again and decided I should make one for my momma for Christmas and then I immediately thought of two photos I wanted to use of my brother and I for the quilt.  After completely trashing our guest room to find the photos (guess I know what I"ll be doing the rest of my Sunday), I FINALLY FOUND THEM.  Eek! I'm so excited!

Here are the two photos: 
This photo pretty much epitomizes our relationship.
I was around 4.  It was taken
at a photo booth at either Eastwood Mall or
Century Plaza. Love it!
My brother, Mr. Muscle Man, himself. When I see this picture
I just giggle incessantly.
I plan to transfer the photos to black and white for the quilt and design the quilt around the song "You are my sunshine" as inspiration!

Yah!  New project for Jamie!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Chicken Nuggets!

Wow - had a great Holiday weekend with the family! Our nieces are just two precious and hysterical little babies! Well, they aren't exactly babies anymore!


Not a huge fan of the sand at first, but eventually it was okay.
You can't see me!
They love their Uncle Chad.
Now this one is a little fishy!
Jazzy took a little bit longer to get acclimated to the water but eventually got the hang of it!
Fun times in South Florida!
And now the best for last....Hugs-N-Punches first video featuring Jazzy J and 'Riyah!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I gotta love and I know that it's all mine oh oh oh ohhhhh

thank you Beth for sending this to me! I think I've watched it 5 times in row in about about 2 minutes and laugh hysterically every time...


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