I have been living and breathing the Frances Langford Designer Showcase House.
Today is my 12th day to work and you just don't even know how excited I will be for my day off tomorrow.
We opened a huge Designer Showcase House that is open on the weekends so that is why I've been working non-stop. We had budgeted about 1,000 people over the 16 day period and to date we have over 2,300 for 7 days! So that is very good. And I would consider that a success even though it's not over yet. On the plus side, I'm getting a ton of ideas on decorating my bedroom and other spaces. And if you know me, you know I love to decorate!
Not much going on other than that. I'm going to take a few days off in March for a long weekend and we may go to the Keys. At this point, I don't care if we just stay home.
I'm missing my friends and family in Bham a lot lately. So, someone better be planning a trip to come visit us soon. We are trying to think of when we will go to Bham again. It will probably be in May over Memorial Day weekend or something like that. We will see.
Mr. Fitness has been sick for about two weeks now. He had swimmers ear that went from one ear one week to the other ear the next. He went to the doc but the antibiotics were not helping. He finally went to a doc friend (or aquaintance) we have met several times at parties and he hooked him up with meds. He is getting better - thank goodness!
Gonna spend the evening eating Chinese and going to the hot tub. It was such a gorgeous day today - high 83ish. I hope its just as nice tomorrow b/c I plan on laying out all day and furniture shopping for our bedroom! I did purchase some new bedding. Now we are looking for a headboard, dresser and side tables.
Here's the bedding I purchased:

Much love to all my readers (all 4 of you that is, but its still fun to use the word 'readers') lol
Satisfied, Tracy?
Love the bedding! You can come up for my graduation...or Barrett's - both in May.
It's about time to updated this thing! Definitely come up in May, and we can celebrate our b'days!! I'll make sure to get a baby sitter.
Beth when is your graduation? maybe we can come that weekend and Em we can do our bday thing then too!
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