More randomness...

Meet our pelican friend, Lucky. He has a hurt foot so that's what Mr. Fitness named him:

So after all that yip yapping I did on figuring out our bedroom furniture on my last post- we did end up buying some yesterday. I
guess in an effort to be green, and many other reasons, we decided to look at thrift stores, flea markets and the like for possible furniture options. So, our first stop was a furniture consignment shop called "Furniture Consignment" (everything here in the little strip malls are named for the obvious). Chad was on the phone with our car insurance to get his windshield replaced so I went ahead and went in. It's a large store and I was in heaven because I like to take old things and make them new again or heck just leave 'em old and grimy looking and make up a cool history for it. I'm wandering through the place and was happy that I found several possible headboards and was rifling through them. Then, I looked in one of the rooms located in the very back and I saw it - a bedroom set. I thought wow now that is different looking. Now, we were only looking for a dresser and 2 nightstands and possibly a headboard, but this set had everything including the chest of drawers and a full size headboard. Well that wouldn't work and it was priced for the set. I went up front to see if he would separate it and he said yes and told me the new price for the pieces I wanted. Mr. Hunka Hunka fell in love with it too. So, it will be delivered on Monday. I was gonna wait and post before and after images together but I wanted to go ahead and post something - mainly because I have no patience.
Here's the new bedding in which I love, I'm gonna take away the two Euro shams and add 3 new Euros
hopefully soon once the ones I want at are not on backorder. So basically this is the best side of the room:

And this is the bad side. It looks like a college dorm:

I can't wait for our 'new' furniture!