My father-n-law and his girlfriend, Kathy, came down for the weekend. I had to work all but one day they were here. The first day we went to eat seafood and then to a play called The Sugar Bean Sisters. It was hysterial - even the second time. I think they enjoyed it.
I'm glad I get my weekends back. I'm off for 4 days, which will be nice. We had originally planned to go to the Keys but I don't think the water is warm enough to enjoy snorkeling, plus I want to just hang out at home in our freakin paradise. We have made some new friends who is Mr. F's guitar teacher and we go to church with them and they had talked about going to the Keys in a few months so maybe we can go with them.
Been bedroom furniture shopping...I just want to get something already! We went back to Rooms to Go and found a few new sets that we like. We've also been looking at thrifts store and consignment shops. I found a king headboard that was really cool and vintage. I couldn't find the price or size (to make sure it was in fact a king) and she said it was for display only. What the hell. Leave it to me to find something I really like that is for "display only". Ugh. We are trying not to be so "matchy matchy" with buying the exact set of everything (bed, dresser, nightstands) that all go together. Our style is really ecclectic - but it would be easier to just go ahead and buy the set. I don't want a dresser mirror though so we can get a flat screen tv to put on top of the dresser. At Rooms to Go, it's cheaper to buy the set than individual piecess - so who knows I might cave.
I did get the bedding from Crate and Barrel and I LOVE IT. When I make the bed today, maybe I will take a picture of it.
One of the beds we like:
In Stuart at the Sailfish Capital of the World fountain. Yes, I did make a wish:
Paradise, my friends, absolute paradise. Taken earlier this week:
MY Valentine's Day present:

Here's the other bed we like - it's the one Chad is sitting on in the image above. I really like the bed. The wood grain alternates on each panel. Nice detail. I like the dresser and other pieces to this set. The dresser and nightstands have a 50s/60s mod look to it.

I said this was random thoughts and it certainly is. I've been thinking about writing a book. Or a play or just something. I also thought a musical about vampires would be neat. Have to think about it some more. Could be a comedy. Dunno. Any ideas you would like to pass on? I may dedicate the book/play/thing to you. :o)
I'm excited that next weekend we are going to see the Mets vs. the Braves! I just bought a tshirt and cap off of Go Braves!!!!! I might be the only person there supporting them - oh well. At least I'll look cute doing it - the cap has rinestones on it!
We are going to Orlando the first weekend of April to see my cousin. I am so excited. He said I saw him when I was ten, but I don't remember. So, I'm glad we are 'reconnecting'. It will be a blast!
And then at the end of April, Fort Walton Beach here I come! I get to see my Christine get married! Awwwww! I'm gonna cry. She has given me the most awesome priviledge of singing in her wedding. Maybe Mr. F will let me bring a baby turtle back. (I know V and S are laughing about this).
Okie Dokie - peace out - love you all - J
1 comment:
Great picture of you guys! I like the "winged" furniture too. Very classy, just like you! :) Must you insist on making me jealous every time I read your blog with the ocean and waves and sandy beaches? The agony!!!!!!!!
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