Monday, July 27, 2009

A Happy Hooker I Am!

*Imagine me saying the title of this blog in an Eliza Doolittle accent pre-speech lessons*

That's right. I stitch and I bitch...okay not really. It's a phenomenon that I'm catching the tail end of. Or maybe in the middle of? Typical. Basically, it's a group of people that get together and knit or crochet and talk about life's problems. I'm not in said group as I'm a solitary hooker. Hook. I use a hook. With the yarn. So I'm a hooker. Geez, get your mind out of the gutter people! I'm venturing out and spreading my wings into other hooking patterns like purses and jewelry and the like! But no worries, after I finish the shawl and the purse, I'm going to work on a Zombie Bot!

The shawl I'm working on except in turquoise:

In the beginning....and again in the beginning.....then again (I had to restart this darn thing 3 times!)

And now look how far I've gotten! I ran out of yarn so I had to get more and plan to work on it tonight...I may even finish it! What's that you say? That's right FINISH it....

And the purse I am working on. It looks red in the photo but it's pink:

Dog's so much bigger than it's supposed to be. I didn't have the right hook size but now I bought the right hook size and may just redo it but not before I tackle the Zombie Bot!

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain....

This is my 100th post. Cheers to yer all who have weathered ye storm with Ole Paddy...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hugs-N-Punches update

We have a drummer! Yippee!

Isn't Joshua absolutely adorable? I think he will be a fan favorite.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's the freakin weekend...

What a fun weekend! Here's the gang at The Ashley:

Me posing, again:

In the Everglades on a boat tour:

No, we didn't see any burmese pythons or anacondas eating a gator. But, we did meet Okeechobee, gator extraordinaire:

After the boat ride and EXTREMELY hot. The sun doesn't like me:

"Yes brother we will conquer the white man"
And when you get bored stuck in traffic for 3 hours in Fort Lauderdale, this is what happens:
Metal Head:

Nintendo DS time! Kick those mermaids butts Stevie!

And a little crocheting by Tim:

Then it was fun in the sun! I actually did get in the water with the girls. It was the first time since we lived in the condo. I ALMOST got in the water last weekend but Joe and Mr. Fitness were surrounded by GIANT sting rays and had a close encounter with a sea turtle, so I opted out.

Mr. F learning his new trade, skim boarding:

AHHHHHHH - it's a shark! A dead one! This was a 9 ft hammerhead that washed up on shore about 1 mile from our condo. It was the weirdest thing to see so close. I think this is proof there are aliens among us. It's eyeball looked human.

Monday, July 13, 2009

'Tis the season

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore - Vincent van Gogh

I love storms.


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