That's right. I stitch and I bitch...okay not really. It's a phenomenon that I'm catching the tail end of. Or maybe in the middle of? Typical. Basically, it's a group of people that get together and knit or crochet and talk about life's problems. I'm not in said group as I'm a solitary hooker. Hook. I use a hook. With the yarn. So I'm a hooker. Geez, get your mind out of the gutter people! I'm venturing out and spreading my wings into other hooking patterns like purses and jewelry and the like! But no worries, after I finish the shawl and the purse, I'm going to work on a Zombie Bot!
In the beginning....and again in the beginning.....then again (I had to restart this darn thing 3 times!)
And the purse I am working on. It looks red in the photo but it's pink:
Dog's so much bigger than it's supposed to be. I didn't have the right hook size but now I bought the right hook size and may just redo it but not before I tackle the Zombie Bot!
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain....
This is my 100th post. Cheers to yer all who have weathered ye storm with Ole Paddy...
This is my 100th post. Cheers to yer all who have weathered ye storm with Ole Paddy...
Woo Hoo Jamie! I'm ready for 200.
You've got the best blog ever. I love the title of this latest entry...too funny. Have fun hooking!!
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