Thursday, December 2, 2010

WOD 12.01.10

Well, I completed day two of CrossFit Fundamentals Training and WOD!  Apparently, I have a few bad habits that developed back in the day when I was doing powerlifting that I need to change for Crossfit lifts.  One thing that Josh, the Coach, said to me was that I was thinking too much.  So, I need to remember to only focus on one thing at a time and eventually my body will learn the move and it will be like second nature.  So much to learn!

Again, I was tired after the warm-up and Fundamentals Training.  For warm-up, we row 500 meters on a Concept 2 Rowing machine, then 8-10 reps of 4 exercises: a pull, a push, abs and air squats - THREE TIMES!  Oh my word!  Then, the workout begins.  This really takes things to the next level, mentally and physically!

Here is a before photo - right after the warm-up.  A little tired and sweaty, but not too much and I'm still smiling!

  Here is the after WOD photo:

That workout was no joke:

I did 3 rounds for time of the following:  5 thrusters (which we learned how to do that day).  This move is like having a bar across your chest and then you squat and then quickly push the bar over your head! It took me 10 minutes and 22 seconds. And that was with encouragement being yelled at me from Josh the Coach and Mr. Fitness.

Like this,

And then 10 burpees after that.  Here's a burpee:

Of course, my burpees looked nothing like that. They kind of looked like a beach whale decided to spazz out on the beach and then jump and clap with his huge flippers. Oh it was horrible and my knees are all jacked up and bruised from it.

But it's fun! LOL - I think I've lost my mind.

1 comment:

~emily~ said...

I love the "after" pic...I laughed so hard at Wish I was disciplined enough to work out...I'm too lazy. Good luck!!!


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