Well, part of OHC (Operation Holy Cow) is to find new homes for our doggies. We have 4 dogs (used to have 5 until the Cloe left us). But there is no way we can take 4 dogs to FL with us. The original plan was to take Cloe and Harley b/c they are the smallest. Roxie is 65 lbs. Schwartz and Ewok are about 45 lbs. So not only would we have to find a place in FL that would take that many dogs but a place that accepted large dogs. This is not easy. So, we knew early on that we would have to find a new home for 3 of them.
Well, fortunately, we have a friend that is interested in all 3 of them! We didn't even think it would be possible to place all 3 in the same home. So, we are giving it a trial run today. Chad is about to leave to head to Jasper to see if it will work. He already has several pets, but only one is an outside dog. The plan is if they get along and there are no issues b/n our dogs and his, then it should work.
I was going to go with him, but I can't do it. I've already cried this morning and I haven't even been outside to see them yet. My heart just hurts thinking about it and what makes it worse is that it is our doings. It is our decision to give them up. And that hurts.
I don't want Harley to freak out without the other dogs here. So, I'm gonna hang with her.
If we can't find a good home for the Har Har (i.e. someone we are close too not some random person), then we will just take her with us to FL. I think she would love it. I think the Cloe would have loved it too.
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