Monday, June 30, 2008

WOD 6/29/08

this is what I was supposed to do:
Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench & Pull-ups

but seeing how I'm not an elite fitness guru and all I did this:

push ups off the back of my car (b/c remember I can ONLY do like TWO normal push ups)
jumping pull ups (b/c remember I cannot do ONE SINGLE PULL UP b/c I'm a wussy little girlie girl)

1st round: 54 push ups/15 pull ups
2nd round: 44 push ups/15 pull ups
3rd round: 41 push ups/15 pull ups

well, this wasn't the best workout in the world but today (over 24 hours later) I can't lift my arms over my head and my left shoulder is wounded

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