I decided to not so much do the resolution thing like I typically do because they never really happen. So, I am going to strive to do a few things differently yes but not for resolution sake.
That being said, I do know two toddlers who's New Years Resolutions are to learn to pee and poop in the potty. Go Jasmine and Jacob!
That is the best resolution ever! And I truly hope they succeed.
And I have to add here that I got to talk to my niece Jazzy LuLu over Skype the other night and we showed her the ocean and it was the cutest thing ever to hear her say "wanna see ocean again" - she's gonna love it here when she comes to visit one day and I hope she can convince her parents in her cutest southern Blount County accent to move here!!!!! Wishful thinking I know.
My main goal is to graduate and get my senior graduated too. The health and stuff takes second place.
At least you are starting off the new year somewhere pretty!
that is a fantastic goal - one in which I know you will succeed or I will kick your butt
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