1. We traveled out of the country - twice (Honduras and Bahamas)
Chad and I on a big mountain in Honduras:
This man and his mule saved my life from the Mountain of Death. I actually rode that tick-infested thing (the mule not the man):
My first snorkeling trip in Bahamas:
2. I rode on a motorcycle for the first time in my life (video below - not sure it works though)
3. Sold the house I owned for nine years and moved 700 miles away from home.
Our house in Alabama. SOOOO many good memories:

4. We now live on the freakin ocean.
Our new house in Jensen Beach, FL - on the left 10th floor:
5. I skinny-dipped in the ocean. At night. In the Bahamas.
Um, sorry no pics of that...
6. I have a huge tattoo on my back - 5 hours of horrible terrible pain that I would do again...I love my little flyin pixie girl, who is yet to be named. But will have a name one day. :o)

7. About two months after receiving said tattoo mentioned in #6, I got another matching tattoo with my BFF. Mine on my hip. BFF on her lower right back. We so rock.
Happy New Year!
I'm so glad you finally updated this thing! I'm always checking it to see what's new with you. You've got the best blog ever! From your pics it looks like you had a great 2008. I love the pic and caption of the mule pic...too funny. I also watched your bike video...I half expected you to fall off at the end, but was sorry to see you didn't...j/k j/k j/k. ;)
So cool!!!!!!!! Thanks for putting that up.
Well, you had a very exciting year!
Hope things are going well for ya'll as I'm sure they are.
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