Monday, August 30, 2010

Of tables and nieces...

I am super excited about my new table that Chad made for me!

Some of the handy dandy tools required...

Adding some finishing touches prior to the paint
Ta da! New table!
Except I didn't like how I had accessorized it so this is how it looks now!
And yah! I'm also super excited about our family coming down over Labor Day weekend!  We haven't seen our nieces in five whole months!

I can't wait to see their cute wittle faces! And give 'em tons of love and kisses!
Jasmine at her birthday party.

Ariyah loved Chad's hat!

I'm quite sure I'm gonna have some great photos of them to share soon!  I have to document how big they've grown!

Monday, August 23, 2010

What I Did on my Summer Vacation

Hello from the land of Oops-I-forgot-I-have-a-blog-and-that-sucker-needs-to-be-updated!  See, I could never be one of those bloggers who actually make a living off of their blog.  This is proof.

So for starters let's talk briefly about what I did over my summer vacation.  First, what summer vacation?  I worked like 40 hours a week.  And by work I mean pretended to look busy for 8 hours a day.  See you can still have an imagination at 32!  Pretend can be for grown-ups it's just more in the form of deception. No really, I worked really hard - mainly on putting budgets together so I can see on paper that yes a department of 3 can raise $1 million this fiscal year!  Oye.

Okay nevermind that stressful stuff.  Let's look back on our summer vacation.  What's that you say? You want to see a summer photo montage?!? Why, of course!

Crocheted my little heart away for my bestie!
new glasses that I have to wear 24/7

friends in town for almost a month! They must come back immediately and STAY.

View of the intercoastal down in Boca Raton where I attended a philanthropy conference
One of my fave pics of the summer!  Chad with Joshie, our friends soon-to-be-official little boy!

A night of painting with Dana AKA 20 year old PBA student

Bailea in her groove.  That girl loves to paint!
Boating with friends - Joshie chillin on the sand bar.
Where else can I put THIS STUFF?
Relaxing on the sand bar.
Lou and Joshie in the 2nd cutest pic of the summer!
The BEST night of the summer...boat trip at dusk!

That's the Huizenga clubhouse behind us.  It was ginormous.
Gorgeous sunset at Sailor's Return.
That seriously was the color of the sky - no photo-shopping here!
Trip to Morikami Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach (in the pouring rain)!
Cool canopy.
Look at the cool lizard tail!
What would a Japanese Gardens be without koi?
Cute bridge - reminded us of BBG.
Beautiful waterfall at the end of our path.

SAid goodbye to our friends, the Maisons, who decided
to leave the palm trees and blue sky for something called snow in Michigan.  Bless their little 'ole hearts!

Well, that's it - I have a few more things to add but those photos haven't been uploaded yet!  Chad technically started his first day today so it's appropriate that I post this today.  Although, I don't recall ever having to talk/write about what I did on my summer vacation in school.  I only see that on t.v.


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