Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bonk Ur Junk

Okay so I've been trying to figure out how I would post on this blog and the workout blog site with my WODs and not let this blog become completely lame and boring. So, I think I worked it out that I would post my workouts once a week in one post. That way I will have a log of my weights and times and can blog about the other stuff like decorating, crafts and island life!  My friend from high school, Jen recently lost a ton of weight and posted weekly bikini photos until she reached her goal!  I'm not that brave but I did take before photos in my bikini as Josh the Coach recommended, but those will NOT be shared. I guess this could suffice as a before photo.

I'm still crafting away on some Christmas presents. Considering its only a few weeks away you would think I would be further along but I think I work best under pressure! I see some long crafting nights in my future!

I've been seeing a lot of terrarium how-tos on all the decorating blogs I go to. On our recent trip to Michigan we went to the Botanical Gardens and was completely inspired by their Cacti Garden. I love the texture and colors of succulents and seeing how this is pretty much the only plant I manage to keep alive, I really love them! There were succulents everyone!

So, now, I've been inspired to make a few small open-air terrariums (for succulents) as Christmas presents. Here's an example from a Google image search:

I bought a new laptop and haven't uploaded camera software or any music from my old laptop yet.  I'm lazy.  So these are the only photos you get!

And finally for a bit more random Jamie, I pulled a 200 lb deadlift the other day and I'm so happy.  It's always been my favorite lift out of the three (bench and squat are the others), so I was just elated when I realized it was 200 lbs!  Now the met-con (fast cardio stuff) that I have to do sucks a$$ and I despise it but that is what helps in weight loss so it's a love-hate relationship. Really just hate-hate.

Mr. Fitness was telling me about the paleo diet. A lot of CrossFitters eat paleo. That's eating like a caveman.  No sugar, salt, grains or dairy.  Only meats, fruits, veggies and some nuts.  Also known as "oh hell no"! by me.  There is a website that does a 30 day challenge, where you eat paleo with zero cheating for 30 days.  You don't get on the scales at all during the 30 days.  I do find myself thinking about it.  Maybe in January as a kick-off to good health.  I dunno.  It's so extreme and I did the extreme diet a few months back and I don't know how long I can live without cheese.

But you can have real bacon on the paleo diet and I could still eat grapes and watermelon.  So maybe.

Speaking of the paleo diet, here's a text conversation b/n Mr. Fitness and I today:

Mr. Fitness: I felt like captain caveman at lunch. Don't be surprised if I club you over the head tonight. (after he a ate a paleo approved lunch today)

Me: lol that's hysterical and don't b surprised if I yank that club from u and bonk u in the junk! I'm a modern cave wife.


~emily~ said...'re a modern cave wife...too funny.

Jamie said...



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