Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Lesson on Perspective...

The past week and a half have been a blur.  My dear friend, Sharon, has had several surgeries over the past week. After a series of small strokes, she had a massive stroke during her bypass surgery on Tuesday.  She is still in ICU and still on the ventilator.  The doctors finally gave some hope yesterday.  Her life may not be the same but she is a fighter and strong-willed lady. 

During this time, my Mr. Fitness lost his job.  They decided to let go 4 teachers.  The school will probably not make it until the end of the year they are in so much financial trouble.

Perspective:  normally, this would have put us in a tail-spin.  Not that it hasn't, but with my friend struggling for life, it just changes your thought process.  Life is so precious.  Life.  Having a life means to live.  How do you want to live?  Are you living it?  Are you happy with where you are?  You have no idea if you will have tomorrow to do things differently.

I need some Kermie.


~emily~ said...

Hope your friend pulls through. Sending tons of prayers her way...and yours.

Jamie said...

thank you girl luv ya

Anna Barrett said...

thinking about you and chad...praying for your friend as well....


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