Monday, August 11, 2008

Rediscovery Part 2

Beth, I forgot to post. I guess if there are people reading this aside from the 6 people, I KNOW who are reading my posts, I need to update everyone.

It's happened. Operation Holy Cow is in full, freakin force. It HAS happened. I got the job I wanted and I'm so excited. Florida, here I come!

Now is the hard part. My heart has hurt all day. The emotional side of this was expected but hurts far worse than I had imagined.

So, in about four weeks, I get to rediscover myself again in a whole new world (cue song from Aladdin here in Broadway musical).

When will the tears stop? I'm excited - don't get me wrong. I don't regret it at all - yet. It's just hard to decipher through the tears.

It will be okay. It's just a bit difficult at the moment.

1 comment:

bethbbk said...

The tears will stop - for both of us. I'm now your biggest cheerleader. GO JAMIE!!!!!!


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