Monday, February 16, 2009

oh yeah

So I think I have a bunion.

And that makes me depressed.

Why? Because the word bunion is synonymous with "old person".

And I think I found a new wrinkle on my face this weekend.

Oh Dear Lord.

BUT, if I end up having laugh lines like my daddy then I will be okay with that. Because I love his laugh lines and when I see mine, I will think about him.


bethbbk said...

Please - you OLD??? I imagine at 80 you'll be younger than most 40 year olds.

Jamie said...

you are my ray of sunshine

~emily~ said...

You and I could start up a gerascophia club or something. LOL. I don't want to grow old. :( You'd freak if you saw all these gray furs I'm's crazy!!

Tonia said...

J, you are so crazy!


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