Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well bust my buttons!

When I hear this song, it makes my shoulders do this weird twitching thing that I think people call dancing.  Or jerking.  SOMEthing.  My lips also do this puffed out thing.  So shoulders twitching, lips puffed.  That's me.  But I LOVE this song - caution the lyrics are not PG.

I have so many things going on!  I've been doing hours and hours (I'm not kidding you) of research to decide if I am going to change my blog that yes I just changed my blog. So that's one thing I'm doing. You may have noticed a new page on this blog.  I'm opening an Etsy store.  Yah!  I'm working on the inventory now.  I've ordered business cards and everything, ya'll!

I've also been working on something.  This is a hint:

Do you like my buttons?

1 comment:

~emily~ said...

What are you making???? Inquiring Ems want to know.


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