Monday, January 5, 2009

Adventures '08

In no particular order, I would like to recap my great adventures of 2008. Because surprisingly they are actually great. At least to me.

1. We traveled out of the country - twice (Honduras and Bahamas)

Chad and I on a big mountain in Honduras:
More Honduras:

This man and his mule saved my life from the Mountain of Death. I actually rode that tick-infested thing (the mule not the man):


My first snorkeling trip in Bahamas:

2. I rode on a motorcycle for the first time in my life (video below - not sure it works though)

3. Sold the house I owned for nine years and moved 700 miles away from home.

Our house in Alabama. SOOOO many good memories:


4. We now live on the freakin ocean.
Our new house in Jensen Beach, FL - on the left 10th floor:
The view from our balcony:

5. I skinny-dipped in the ocean. At night. In the Bahamas.

Um, sorry no pics of that...

6. I have a huge tattoo on my back - 5 hours of horrible terrible pain that I would do again...I love my little flyin pixie girl, who is yet to be named. But will have a name one day. :o)

7. About two months after receiving said tattoo mentioned in #6, I got another matching tattoo with my BFF. Mine on my hip. BFF on her lower right back. We so rock.

All I can say is wow what a year - and I can't wait to see what the new year will bring us.
Happy New Year!


~emily~ said...

I'm so glad you finally updated this thing! I'm always checking it to see what's new with you. You've got the best blog ever! From your pics it looks like you had a great 2008. I love the pic and caption of the mule pic...too funny. I also watched your bike video...I half expected you to fall off at the end, but was sorry to see you didn't...j/k j/k j/k. ;)

bethbbk said...

So cool!!!!!!!! Thanks for putting that up.

Tonia said...

Well, you had a very exciting year!
Hope things are going well for ya'll as I'm sure they are.




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