Monday, June 30, 2008

OHC Update

I struggle with putting updates like this on here b/c I hate the "oh hey, how did that job interview go?" and you have to get all disappointed again b/c "they picked someone else".

But what the heck. I'm going for it. I have two phone interviews coming up. One this Wed and one next Wed. wish me luck!

p.s. i called the realtor and she is coming out this week AND we now only have one dog. OHC (from our end) is working out quite nicely, though when I picture Roxie's face (one of the dogs we gave away this weekend) my hearts hurts. No, seriously, I feel physical pain in my chest. If we end up putting the house on the market as planned (next week sometime) then we have a LOT to do this weekend AND Chad might be going out of town. We have to paint and stage 2 rooms and clean up and "moderately" landscape outside. Oye - that is a lot of stuff for one person (me!) to do in 3 days.

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