Thursday, June 26, 2008

Okay so there is one thing I hate about my job...

I tell people who ask all the time that i love my job. And I truly do. There is no boredom, it's exciting and different and I have to problem-solve all the time and I love that...unless I haven't had my coffee (lots of cream and 3 equals, thank you) which becomes a different story altogether.

BUT, there is something that I cannot stand. That is interviewing other people. I can't stand it.

Esp when I get a ding-bat who hasn't read the Idiots Guide to Interviewing and decides that when asked "so tell me about yourself" means to tell me about things you and your boyfriend of 13 years like to do in your off time. And am I supposed to find out that you are 38 without children and do not want children? Do I care that you like camping and reading and working out (though you don't look like you've worked out in a while)? And am I supposed to give advice when you say that you might get married in 5 years but you don't know that you will b/c you've been together for 13 years and you're not married yet? And how do I take it when said person is describing to me "an obstacle she's had to overcome in the workplace" that she says F'n - twice?

Maybe I need to change my format. I use a lot of situational questions b/c they are all the rage right now. And I kinda like to see people squirm when I ask them.

I don't know but that was 35 minutes of my life I will never get back again....

1 comment:

bethbbk said...

The question I most hated was "what are you going to do with that degree" because for the longest, I just wanted a job - period. The second most hated question was "where do I see myself in X years" because I know I'm supposed to say I'll be an upstanding up-and-coming person of importance with your corporation, but I truly have no idea. I want to believe...


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